Data Analytics / Data Mining / Quality Control / Business Intelligence / Web-based analytics

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Financial Risk Management and Validated Compliance Solutions for the Banking Industry (Basel II)

With the New Basel Capital Accord of 2001 (BASEL II) the banking industry is faced with new regulatory challenges, as well as opportunities to fine tune the measurement and management of operational risk.

The three pillars of BASEL II are measurement of minimum capital requirements, supervisory review, and market discipline. To achieve BASEL II compliance requires that financial institutions build a secure and robust data analysis and reporting system that can be validated and controlled (e.g., version control of reports), and provides role-based security (so that only certain individuals can create data queries, report templates, and so on) and audit trails for review by regulatory agencies.

The STATISTICA Enterprise Analytics platform provides the ideal solution that will allow financial institutions to move forward with confidence: The STATISTICA solution for general data analysis, modeling, and reporting is based on proven and mature technologies that are currently deployed in regulated industries worldwide.

Here is what sets the STATISTICA solution apart from other "spot-solutions" or proprietary and expensive data warehouse solutions:

  • STATISTICA provides a unique and complete combination of analytic components and computational engines, robust and secure, and Web-enabled, role-based, client-server architecture, along with complete audit trails of users and uses, as well as histories of specific analytic reports.

    For example: Specific roles are assigned to query administrators, who are permitted to create and modify data queries, while analysts are permitted to create analytic templates to analyze the data returned by the queries; both queries and analytic templates are versioned, and changes can be reviewed via audit trails to guarantee the integrity and accuracy of the system.

  • STATISTICA provides the most complete graphics engine available in any application, with thousands of graphics functions to aid in risk measurement, risk modeling, Monte Carlo and other simulation methods, back-testing, root cause analysis, and informative summary reporting.

    For example: Practically all graphical tools required for risk modeling, stress-testing, back-testing, etc. are available in STATISTICA

  • STATISTICA contains the most complete collection of modeling tools in a single platform, from Linear and Generalized Linear Models, to advanced modeling using effective cutting-edge machine learning algorithms (including neural networks, stochastic gradient boosting, support vector machines, and many others).

  • STATISTICA is a mature analytics platform with algorithms that can be demonstrated to be more accurate and robust than those found in other software.

    For examples, please review the STATISTICA precision benchmarks.

  • STATISTCA also contains all the necessary distribution fitting methods, CDF and PDF functions, auto-correlation functions, matrix functions (PCA, singular value decomposition, etc.), and time series methods, to name only a few of the thousands of functions available in the system.